
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Breath in the Taste of a New Year

"This is me swallowing my pride, standing in front of you telling you I'm sorry..."

Happy 2011 people! No, I did not write this in 1 minute seeing as it was posted at 12.01pm Jan. 1. I was a good girl and I planned ahead. Currently, it is 12.27am December 28th. I've been up all night working on this and my school blog (Gilly Lit! Go there. Now!) and I've been burning through the M&Ms my friend got me for Christmas. I don't think I'll be slowing down anytime soon so I decided to get this post out of the way.

So, after many failed attempts and one passing attempt, I have finally decided to swallow my pride and go ahead and just do this. Get it over with. Because I have so many opinions that it's come down to the point where I will either pop or five in. And popping isn't apparently an option according to my lovely Editor.

So welcome! To this blog! It may not look like much at first and it probably won't be. But that's at first. It'll probably be sucky at first. But stick with me and I'll stick with you. We'll get through this together.

So hi! This is just the intro post. Once I get my head on straight, I'll probably just put an "About This" page because it's much easier. But, for now, this is required. I'll forgive you if you don't read it. But that's simply because I don't want to write it. :-)

So hi! This is my place, my blog, my home for sudden inspirations. That was a name possibility, actually. Sudden Inspirations. Sounds nice, doesn't it? I considered a bunch of names for this blog. Breathtaking Collisions, Chance Encounters, OpenHearted Confessions, etc. I went through A LOT. And it's hilarious that I ended up coming back to my original name: Amazingly Hysterical.

If you know me well enough, you should know that I made a blog called Amazingly Hysterical. I posted about my life. Random stuff, really. Because I'm a random girl. Well, after some inspiration, I wanted to start of anew. I wanted something unaffected by my past history. So I stored all my AH stuff on another, unpublished blog and I cleared it out. All that was left was to get over myself and post.


I've stalled long enough. I made it to about 425 word(ish) without even introducing myself or the blog. How dare I!

So hi! (I've said that way too many times already) I'm Syd but I'll be writing under the name of Gilly, a play on my last name. So refer to me as Gilly por favor! I'm a writer, or at least I want to be. That's pretty much the goal of this. To determine and enhance my writing voice.
And it's a place to store my ramblings, rants, and writings of that sort.

So enjoy people! And you're allowed to LINK anything here, as long as you're not copying and pasting and stealing my work. I tolerate many things and condone many more. But, if you still my chiz, I will pull a Taken and I will find you and I will destroy you. Huggles♥


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