
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Haunted - Another Poem


I'm haunted
Haunted by the memories
Haunted by the mistakes

Haunted by bitterness
And regrets

Haunted by the apparitions
The ones that refuse to disappear
Into meaningless nothingness

Haunted by the
What ifs and maybes and whys

Haunted by commitments
Haunted by requirements
Haunted by failed decisions

Haunted by expectations
Too high to reach
Too close to brush off

I can't run
You can't run when
You're being haunted

I can't hide
You can't hide when
You're being haunted

When you're haunted
You're trapped
You're simply a shadow
Of your being

You're lost
But you're there
And you certainly can't leave

You're at a dead end
In your maze
And just as you turn around
The walls begin to close in

And they're mocking you
The walls
Because they know as well as you do
That you can't get out

I'm haunted by my life
What's left of it
The remains of the person
I used to be

Haunted by the pounding of my heart
Haunted by the blood running in my veins
Haunted by the betrayal
I betrayed myself

I'm endlessly haunted
And I'm about to break
Because I can't take it anymore
Because it has to stop.

As we all know
You're only haunted
Till the day you die

So I sit
And live
And wait
For this haunting to be over


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